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Workforce Management & Payroll: More Than Just Paying People on Time

Pay attention to payroll when looking at workforce management and talent retention. Forbes highlights that around 70% of Americans live paycheck to paycheck, which starkly illustrates the significant impact of payroll errors on employee morale. This should serve as a wake-up call for employers who prioritize workforce management. Imagine the disappointment of payday when you discover your pay wasn’t deposited, someone didn’t cut your check, or worse, you were underpaid due to a miscalculation. A company must run smoothly from top to bottom to retain the best talent possible, and if anything should never be overlooked, it’s ensuring that employees are paid accurately and on time. This instills a sense of security and trust in the workforce, fostering loyalty and dedication. Over the past few […]

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Meeting Workers Where They Are

Investing in HR technology that prioritizes delivering an exceptional employee experience is a strategic move that can unlock the full potential of your workforce. By equipping workers with more automated and advanced HCM systems, you may not just be freeing up their time but also fostering a more engaged and productive workforce. This empowerment can ignite a spark in your employees, propelling them to achieve new levels of productivity and success for your business. Whatever system is chosen must pass a few tests, though: Does the system streamline processes and save time for managers and workers, or is it a tangled web of operational but inefficient processes slowing them down? Does it cater to the average employee, even after they’ve been trained on the system? […]

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Guest Post: Today’s HR Hero – A Skills and Competencies Blueprint

Modern organizations’ typical operating context Unpredictability and volatility are relative concepts, but the landscape of a pandemic has given these terms a tangible depth and taken uncertainty to a new level—particularly in the workplace. We can view this level as a period of maximum fluidity. As it relates to HR concerns and the Human Capital Management (HCM) domain, the foundation of unpredictability established by the COVID pandemic has made people look for more agency in their careers. They’ve also started to place a greater emphasis on their total wellbeing, even to the point of the phrase “quiet quitting” taking hold. Today’s professionals are also reconstituting their career goals and related expectations. In many cases, colleagues, HR departments, or even managers may be unable to predict people’s goals. […]

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Research Agenda: Workforce Management 2024

In today’s labor market, where workers hold significant bargaining power, employers are under pressure to provide a positive employee experience. Failure to do so could result in the loss of top talent. This challenge is particularly acute in industries with deskless workers, such as food & beverage, hospitality, service, specialized trades, and healthcare. These industries, which underpin our society, rely heavily on the consistent presence of these workers. In industries where part-time and hourly work is common, high turnover rates pose a significant challenge. Recognizing the need for employee retention from day one, workforce management (WFM) has become more crucial than ever. The question then becomes, how can these organizations effectively manage their frontline & deskless workforce while ensuring a positive employee and customer experience? […]

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Guest Council Post: Decoding complexity and the pivotal role of Artificial Intelligence

Complexity has traditionally been viewed as a negative disruption and a dominant rationale for why organizations do not achieve their strategic results.  Simplification has been an overarching alternative theme and is often identified as the proposed solution for the organization but is this still the right choice given the advancements and potential as we engage with AI? According to Nelson Cowan, as humans we can only hold 3 to 5 items in our minds at once (1), so we naturally gravitate to simple concepts.  This may further explain why, according to BCG, 70% of all complex transformations fail or do not live up to expectations (2).  Are we over simplifying our solutions and are not addressing the complex problem in front of us?  Is there […]

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Market Alert: Visier’s Vee AI Chatbot Makes Data More Accessible to Managers, Boosts Vision of ‘Democratization’

The News Visier released a generative AI chatbot that answers workforce questions for HR leaders, managers and company executives. Called Vee, the product also serves as the foundation for Visier’s Embedded generative AI analytics tool, which is designed to speed product roadmaps for the company’s partner SaaS vendors and solutions providers who offer workforce-related AI. Rather than rely on Visier’s traditional approach to queries – using pre-built guidebooks or building an analysis through the platform’s regular interface – Vee allows users to ask questions in natural language. Once it’s processed a query, the tool returns answers in plain English, then allows users to ask follow-up questions as needed. In terms of security, Vee’s results are only available to authorized users based on their assigned security […]

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Agility Assessment: Your global payroll transformation starting point

Looking to enhance your global payroll operations? Payslip’s free Agility Assessment tool, developed in collaboration with expert analyst Pete Tiliakos from 3Sixty Insights, guides you through the process. Identify process gaps, achieve quick wins, and establish a baseline plan for transformation. Take the first step towards agile payroll operations today! #GlobalPayroll #AgilityAssessment #PayrollTransformation Learn more and take the assessment here – Agility Assessment: Your global payroll transformation starting point

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Council Guest Post: The Alight Spinoff of Payroll and HCM Professional Services

Recently, Alight announced that it had agreed to sell its payroll and professional services business to H.I.G. Capital for up to $1.2 billion.  Much of the focus on the Alight split continues from the lens of its heritage benefits business which will retain the Alight brand and continue its strategy for growth of its WorkLife® platform and portfolio of health, retirement, wellbeing, and leave administration.  Meanwhile, significant market-leading business is being apportioned to the “NewCo” that human resource, payroll, and information technology leaders need to understand. Typically overshadowed by the better known and promoted benefits business, the NewCo business accounts for roughly one-third ($1 billion+) of the total Alight revenue and a bit less than half (~8,000) of its total 18,000 global employees.  Estimated at […]

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Market Alert: Talespin Deal Positions Cornerstone OnDemand for New Class of Competitors

The News Cornerstone OnDemand’s acquisition of the “extended reality,” “spatial learning” software provider, Talespin, marks a notable step toward realizing the company’s goal of offering an immersive, end-to-end learning platform. While the press release is all about offering a more dynamic, personalized and effective user experience, the acquisition will also help Cornerstone deflect the competitive threat of newer learning platforms and maintain its dominance of the corporate learning market. The move builds on last year’s introduction of Cornerstone’s Opportunity Marketplace and Content Studio. More specifically, Talespin, with its focus on workforce skills development, will strengthen CSOD’s content subscriptions, curation, creation and insights technology. At the same time, it moves Cornerstone’s product into the sphere of true immersive learning. CEO Himanshu Palsule described the move as […]

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Blog: Will AI Live Up to the Hype?

Over the past decade, the buzz surrounding artificial intelligence (AI) has become a cacophony, particularly within the realm of Human Resources (HR) technology. Vendors clamber to integrate AI capabilities into their offerings, while organizations eagerly seek the latest AI-enabled solutions to stay ahead of the competition and avert obsolescence in an ever-evolving landscape. But amidst the hype, a critical question looms: Will AI truly live up to its promises? In this article, we delve into the dichotomy between the hype surrounding AI in HR and its current reality. Evolution of Technological Fads Reflecting on the last two decades, I’ve witnessed the cyclical nature of technological trends in a field where innovation equals advantage. Each wave brought a surge of excitement and anticipation — only to […]

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Blog: Standardizing Recruitment and Bettering the Employee Experience for the Success of Your Business

Small and medium-sized businesses with multiple locations could benefit from a centrally organized and standardized recruitment system. We examine how a consistent set of best practices and approaches can lead to higher employee retention and a more resilient organization. Previously in this series, I discussed how more data in a data-driven world isn’t always better. You can accumulate too much data too fast and find yourself devoting more and more time to managing it. One way to manage this is by streamlining your HR organization into a single solution that houses all your data in one space. However, I also touched on how not investing in technology out of buyer anxiety and fears about upfront costs can lead to even more money lost in the […]

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Council Guest Post: Strategy and My Payroll Career with Annemarie Verwaaijen

The following is a multi-part series of micro-blogs, guest authored by Annemarie Verwaaijen, MSc, MBA, Vice President, Global Head of Pay Services for S&P Global, and a member of the 3Sixty Insights Executive Counsel.  Strategy and my payroll career? This topic has been a problem for me. I thought for the longest of I was not strategic. It impacted my career growth, perception of my performance, and if I was good enough to move up the corporate ladder. Should I write a blog on this as many, more seasoned payroll leaders surely understand what strategy is. But not everybody is in the same space of their global journey, and I hope that sharing my experience can help somebody or spark a further discussion. What is […]

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Monthly Recap | February 2024

Recent Research: Analyst Insight: ADP ReThink Event Recap: ADP Turns 75 ADP recently wrapped its annual ADP ReThink client event, where over 300 attendees came together in London, England for the largest turnout in ADP ReThink’s 15-year history. Market Alert: Workday-Insperity ‘Strategic Partnership’ Stands Out in a Sea of SMB HR Solutions A newly announced strategic alliance between Workday and Insperity will be guided by a GTM that aims to co-develop, market, sell, and support an SMB ‘power offering’ that brings the best of Workday’s HCM technology together with the Workforce Optimization services of Insperity. Analyst Insight: Connection is the Key to Delivering Exceptional Business Performance The talent market continues to be challenging with continuing month over month job growth and a high number of […]

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Monthly Recap | January 2024

Recent Research: Anatomy of a Decision: Scheduling and Recruiting Excellence in Hospitality – Noticed by Customers Worldwide In this 3Sixty Insights’ Anatomy of a Decision, we explore the decision-making dynamics behind what led three UK businesses to choose Harri as their core end-to-end HCM solution. Upcoming Events: isolved Masterclass – Payroll | February 22, 2024 @ 1pm EST Come join Amberly Dressler, VP of Brand & Content Marketing at isolved and Principal Analyst Pete Tiliakos of 3Sixty Insights for this next masterclass. This class will be covering the ins and outs of payroll. You’ll leave with strategic insights AND those SHRM credits (1 PDC). Recent Articles: Minimizing Data to Maximize Growth If you’re a small or medium-sized restaurant using multiple HCM systems to manage your seasonal and part-time […]