Research Note: The Cloud Connectors – Asking the Right Questions and Getting From Here to There With a Sound Integration Strategy

The Cloud Connectors: Asking the Right Questions and Getting From Here to There With a Sound Integration StrategyWhat You Need to Know

Somewhere along the way, potential buyers of software for business got into the habit of asking their prospective solution providers a misguided question, and it goes something like this: “Does your software integrate with the ones already in my enterprise technology stack?” But most solution providers in human capital management (HCM) have the capability to create point-to-point integrations for various common or uncommon business applications.. Consequently, the vendor’s answer here holds little significance, and the correct answer to the question may not align with the expectations of the person asking it.

Why? Think about static analysis, according to Wikipedia, “a simplified analysis wherein the effect of an immediate change to a system is calculated without regard to the longer-term response of the system to that change.” One of many potential examples would be changing the price of a good or service and expecting all other variables to behave as they would have without the change. This almost never happens, and it would be unrealistic to expect the entire long-standing enterprise technology stack to remain unaffected after implementing an application programming interface (API). It does not matter how strong the API is; it’s not the point.

The Cloud Connectors: Not the Typical iPaaS

Put differently, no enterprise technology stack exists in permanent stasis. The practice of properly integrating applications in the enterprise technology stack should be an exercise in acknowledging this reality. This, of course, helps to explain the emergence of integration platforms-as-a-service (iPaaS), “suite[s] of cloud services that facilitate development, execution and governance of integration flows. These flows connect any combination of on premises and cloud-based processes, services, applications and data within individual or across multiple organizations,” according to Gartner.
Since the inception of iPaaS, however, none has offered an applicable computer language for integrating enterprise applications. The Cloud Connectors (TCC) has developed this, the very first universal computer language for integrations in the enterprise technology stack. It’s a native code and an innovation. And TCC combines this, the foundation of its iPaaS, with a wraparound layer of white-glove, exceptionally high-touch service for the full lifecycle of integrations. The prospect of having these at their disposal is significant for vendors of software for HCM.

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