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The 3Sixty Insights Global Executive Advisory Council’s Membership Grows with Industry Leaders from Well-Known Enterprise Software Vendors

Boston, Mass. – March 18, 2021 – 3Sixty Insights is pleased to share the names of executives at enterprise software vendors who recently became members of its Global Executive Advisory Council. As they collaborate to identify the trends affecting them amidst a world of sea-change, members of the GEAC may become part of 3Sixty Insights’ research, participate in the benchmarking process, and explore best practices with peers. “With the Council, 3Sixty Insights wants to create dynamic opportunities for strategic decision makers, vendors, and other stakeholders in enterprise software to exchange knowledge around issues facing the industry and discuss successes and challenges in the selection, purchase, implementation, and use of this technology,” said Nicholas Biron, founder and chief executive officer of 3Sixty Insights. “Therefore, the Council […]